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lauantai 22. lokakuuta 2011


Sorry i have to write in finnish toady... :D

 Sitten Haasteesta :D
  Kiitos Nealle haasteesta. Nyt rupean tekemään sitä :D
Elikkäs tunnuksen saaneen pitää; 
1. Kiittää tunnuksen antajaa
2. Antaa tunnustus kahdeksalle bloggaajalle
3. Ilmoittaa kahdeksalle bloggaajalle tunnustuksesta
4. Kertoa kahdeksan satunnaista asiaa itsestään

Eli lähetän tän tunnuksen kahedelle, ku en mä seuraa ku vaan kolmen blogia ja nea j on yksi niistä. Elikkäs lähetän tän tunnuksen Outille ja Hennalle.

Sitten kahdeksan asiaa minusta...

1. Harrastan jalkapalloa. Mulla on harjotukset neljä kertaa viikossa + pelit päälle. Jotkut sanoo et mun elämä on täynnä jalkapalloa, mut mun mielest ei oo. Toki pelaan sitä paljon, mutta ehdin tehdä myös paljon muuta, kuten mennä tänää leipoo pääkallo kakkuu nekulle :)

2. Rakastan ruokaa, tykkään tehdä sitä myös. Minulla on pohjatonvatsa, tai niin ainakin useimmat ovat sanoneet. Mulle joudutaan joskus sanoo et lopeta toi syöminen... joo eli rakastan ruokaa. Puurosta kakkuihin :D

3. AINUT ruoka mitä inhoon on, tai no juoma on PELKKÄ MAITO. Se maistuu mun mielest ihan hirveelle. Piimä ja maustamattomat jogurtit on sitten kuitenkin puolestaan tosi hyvii :D

4. Haluisin koiran! Mut iskä on allerginen... :/ mut periaattees mulle kävis mikä eläin vaa, vaikka akvaario, jossa ois kaloja :)

5.  Koulu on mun mielest ihan kivaa. Siel näkee kavereita ja kun siellä pärjää ihan suht hyvin niin se tuntuukin kivalta

6. Oon miettiny et pitäis joskus kokeilla ratsastamista. En oo koskaa ollu hevosen selässä. Kerran oon ollu aasin selässä puol minuutti ja se oli siinä. Oon usein käyny mun hyvän ystävän kaa tallilla ja se on jopa lupautunut taluttaa mulle hevosta ku oon siin selässä. :D

7. Mun on tosi vaikee keksii tänne juttui... aivot lyö vaan välillä tyhjää.. :D katotaa keksinkö kahdeksatta suht järkevää asiaa :D

8. Osa ihmisistä sanoo et oon epäjärkevä, taliaivo, idiootti tai apina :D no niinhän saatan ollakki.. :D varsinki tiettyjen kommellusten jälkeen ;)

no kaippa siinä oli kaikki.. :D sori enn ehtiny kirjottaa enempää.. aika loppuu.. pitää mennä, joten kirjoittelen taas joskus :D

perjantai 7. lokakuuta 2011

So I told you that I was going to a soccer tournament. It went well. We lost 2 games, had 2 ties, but won 1 !! :D which was great! :) We went there by bus. It took for about five hours. We left on Friday, and came back on Sunday evening. Loved the trip and tournament! I would definently like to go again! I slept on the way back and some of my team mates took pics of me while I was asleep. Here's that pic....:/
okay, don't ask about my potition :D       
So that's about it from the tournament :D Well what else could I tell you. My life is doing well :D School, soccer, school, soccer, babysitting, school, jogging, school :D and most importantly FRIENDS! :D

lauantai 3. syyskuuta 2011


So now i have to think of something to write about again :D it's a bit hard but i'll come up with something. I hope :D

So i have a soccer tournament coming up next week. It's in Seinäjoki and we are leaving there next friday after school and we are coming on sunday. We're gonna sleep in a hotel and play, play, play soccer :D I also have a lot of soccer practices and and a soccer talent-test coming up at the end of september :D


Now i thought that i could tell you what i did last summer. Wishing at the same time it still would be summer <3 :) 

June: I played a lot of soccer, went swimming and went to an amusment park, linnanmäki :)

a frog in the pool

trampoline !


just taking weird pics :)

<3 turtle

July: In July me and my family went to the united states to visit our old friends from there. It was really hot there. Almost 38 degrees celsius every day. We went to the zoo, went swimming and to a summer cottage.  Those pictures that you just saw were from our trip in the U.S  :) 

August: In august i got ready for school, which started on the 15th of August. I would of been nice if we would of had a few more weeks of vacation. But school started, and it has begun really well. We haven't had any test's or exams yet, but i'm pretty sure that they are coming. 
So now i told you how i'm doing and what i did in the summer. I will write again when i have some time. 

Will miss the SUMMER 2011 <3

lauantai 27. elokuuta 2011

Well now i just created my blog. It might take a while before i get used to it and understand how it works, but o' well, whatever. :) I'm going to tell you about myself and my hobbies, add pictures ect. Sometimes i'm gonna  write this in english, that my american friends can read this too. But for myself it's easier to write in finnish, so i might sometimes write in finnish instead of english. 

So let me tell you about myself. I'm a thirteen year old girl. I live in Espoo in Finland. I've lived in the U.S for three years, and i have a few friends from there that i keep in touch with. That's why i usually write this in english. But if i write in finnish (this is for my american friends) and you want to know what i said, just ask. And of course it works the other way around too. If someone doesn't understand what i mean or say, they can just ask. 

my photographing :)

In Veikkola at a dog show, in child and dog-ring.

Stadi Cup, summer 2011 :)
I play soccer in a team called lepa. I've played soccer for five years. Two years in the U.S and three years in finland. I also like to go jogging with my friends or just by myself. And i go walking with my friend and her dogs a lot. I love dogs and i would like to have my own dog in the future. It might be a labradors retriever and the dog in the picture (up) is the same breed :) In the picture, i'm at a dog show with my friend. And later on you might notice that i also like taking pictures of stuff. So later you might see some some pics that i've added.